Make your Content Successful: How to Gain Credibility

If there’s one thing a successful online marketer or content creator needs, its credibility.

Credibility helps users and industry leaders trust you and your content. It helps increase traffic to your site—and your business’ bottom line.

Remember that line from “Wayne’s World?” “If you build it, they will come,” talking about a Woodstock-esque concert in the ’90s.

That is true, but how do you build credibility? You read this post, which piggybacks off of Moz’s post and the rest is up to you. We can’t hold your hand, you have to build a new routine for your content writing, but we can get you started.

Here we go.


credibilityHow to gain credibility and establish yourself as an expert:

You can’t offer interesting insight on a subject you know very little about, and you can’t fake it either. These are your choices: either become an expert or hire one.

And then as the expert, he or she needs to provide quality analysis and opinion to add any value. Most successful non-news content is opinion and/or analysis, whether verbal, graphical or textual.

If you’re dealing with difficult subject matter, try getting the content writer to schedule an interview with the expert and relay information that way.

Each blog post will be different. Find a pattern or a routine that works best for you and stick with it, modifying it slightly depending on the type of content you’re writing.

Find an expert if you need one; don’t settle for a post without one

Instead of pretending or faking expertise on a niche subject, do the legwork and find an expert. Reach out on social media via Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ or even Facebook.

People running blogs can easily get a quote from someone knowledgeable enough to have an opinion that matters. Keep in mind that experts with strong opinions usually want to share them, so don’t be nervous about approaching one of them.

Cite your sources

Don’t forget to cite your sources either. This is a big deal because not taking the 30 seconds to cite your source shows that you could care less. Besides, it also helps bring up your credibility. Citing, or linking, to your source not only backs up your claim, but it also builds trust with your readers, and that’s more important than anything.

Use data to your advantage; don’t ignore it’s staying power

Use data to your advantage. Instead of telling your reader, SHOW them and you will make a much more stronger impression. If data is compiled and analyzed correctly, it speaks for itself.credibility

JavaScript libraries and HTML 5 tools are springing up everywhere to help non-techies visualize data in interesting ways and make it more accessible and compelling to their readers.

Mapping examples include SimpleMaps, MapBox, Google Fusion Tables, etc.

Compile data related to your niche on your down time with Census data or any of these data sources so you’re ready to go when news hits.

A person’s title can sometimes make a difference:

Most people think writing a blog post is scary, but we assure you its not. Have your CEO write a few posts here and there. It will help make your company appear more humanistic in the community and among industry leaders. It will also help your site gain more credibility.

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