Don’t Pack your Blog with Keywords. Be a Human. Not a Robot

Google has changed its algorithm so many times, it’s hard to keep track. When I got into the SEO field, keywords and keyword density were all the rage. Now, Moz is saying you don’t necessarily need a ton of keywords strategically placed throughout your blog post to rank well in Google. You do, however, need them in your headline to avoid pogo-sticking—but we’ll get to that later. Keyword density was…

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Searching for Keywords Must Change with the Times

Picture this scenario. You’ve just made yourself a new website complete with fresh, relevant and enticing content that you can’t wait to share with the world. Your content is so good, you’re sure your website will be a hit in no time. But after a couple weeks there’s nothing but crickets. What gives? You’ve done your keyword research, but you still can’t figure out what where you went wrong. A…

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