Bing Ads Certified is Where you Want to Be

REfindly was recently Bing Ads Certified after Chris Melfi, REfindly’s Director of Marketing completed the Bing Ads Accredited Professional program on Thursday, Feb. 13. And we could not be more excited because Bing has a lot to offer. What Bing Has to Offer According to Bing’s FAQ page, users who successfully complete the accreditation exam become Accredited Professional program members, a distinction that includes placement in their vast Membership Directory. The…

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Why Your Klout Score Matters More Now Than Ever Before

Klout has gotten a makeover. And what’s Klout, you ask? You may have heard of Klout scores. Those range from 1-to-100. But according to Mashable, Klout is a San Francisco-based company that provides social media analytics to measure a user’s influence across his or her social network. Klout looks at data from Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It measures the size of a person’s network as well as its content. The…

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