Don’t Pack your Blog with Keywords. Be a Human. Not a Robot

Google has changed its algorithm so many times, it’s hard to keep track. When I got into the SEO field, keywords and keyword density were all the rage. Now, Moz is saying you don’t necessarily need a ton of keywords strategically placed throughout your blog post to rank well in Google. You do, however, need them in your headline to avoid pogo-sticking—but we’ll get to that later. Keyword density was…

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How to Make Friends with Influencers and Share Content

Today Rand Fishkin’s Whiteboard Friday on the Moz Blog covered earning the amplification of influencers. Everyone wants to either be an influencer or be on an influencer’s good side. Becoming an influencer takes a lot of work. You must have the ability to post fresh, relevant and consistent content while establishing relationships and gaining credibility on the web. It’s practically a full-time job. How to Earn the Amplification of Influencers…

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