Six Steps to High-Ranking Links

A good way to gain traction and authority in search engine results is to have a comprehensive strategy for earning high-ranking links.


According to Moz, you should first try optimizing your search engine results.

That could mean adding rel=”author”, a video, some rich mark-up, changing the title, tweaking the title to be a little more compelling, changing the description, or changing the URL.

This is usually users’ first impression of you in search results so make it count.

You don’t want to have a high bounce rate either. According to Moz, search engines look at “pogo sticking” behavior and go, “Oh, people click on this and then they go back and they don’t like it. I’m out of here. I don’t want to rank this page.”


Improve the crawl friendliness and the pages-of-value ratio on your website.

Evaluate your website and ask yourself which pages you actually need for your website to rank well.

Also, look at your navigation. Is it clean? Is it working? If you didn’t know anything about your product or your site, could you figure out how to get around?


Optimize your page and reduce your bounce rate. No one wants to wait around for a slow site, myself included.


Leverage your network to help attract those links, shares, traffic, endorsements, etc.

And don’t act like a robot either— but do ask people to share your stuff if you’ve ever helped them in any way. If they truly appreciate what your website or your product has done for them, they will most likely be more than happy to share your content.


Look for the pages on your site that make people happy but aren’t earning organic search traffic.

Look for a high engagement, low bounce rate, a good number of visits and a high browse rate.

Then double check your keyword optimization and see where you could improve.


Create a prioritized list for outreach and try to contact say at least five people a day.

If there’s a journalist who’s already following you on Twitter and they’ve written about some of your competitors, ask them what you can do to be a feature in the next story. It never hurts to ask.

Let us know in the comments section if you have anything to add or if these tips have helped you earn high ranking links.

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